Thursday, February 26, 2009

gearing up - again...

we're ready to start our next round of kits.... we've got some great ideas rolling around, and i have a dilemma... i've got a great idea for a vacation album, and i can't decide on a line of papers!!! little yellow bicycle has a travel line coming out... then there's october afternoon - oh, how i love october afternoon!!! so many companies, so much to choose from!! so while i ponder, i'll make another batch of cakeballs...and maybe you can tell me what lines/companies you are especially find of...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

it's all news to us, it's all news...

Sorry, the Backyardigans are playing in the background... It's one of my favorites - The songs in this particular episode are Motown inspried and there's one that reminds me of how Christy and I would torment Kiersten at the Store... "News flash, it's big, big, big!"

This weekend is the Scrapbook Summit, and we are R.E.A.D.Y.!!

New kits include a winter theme - a staggered chipboard album with lots of embellishments and texture:

An inspriational theme that you can see if you bear with me and click here: (One day i'm going to learn the ins and outs of this crazy place, but for today, I hope you will forgive me because I can't figure out how to flip a picture once it's here! Indulge me, just this once!) It's a BLACK chipboard album with lots of little surprises.

And the sweet deer album pictured in the last post, it's so DEAR! - so much happening, so much going on. It's all news to us! =D