Thursday, February 5, 2009

it's all news to us, it's all news...

Sorry, the Backyardigans are playing in the background... It's one of my favorites - The songs in this particular episode are Motown inspried and there's one that reminds me of how Christy and I would torment Kiersten at the Store... "News flash, it's big, big, big!"

This weekend is the Scrapbook Summit, and we are R.E.A.D.Y.!!

New kits include a winter theme - a staggered chipboard album with lots of embellishments and texture:

An inspriational theme that you can see if you bear with me and click here: (One day i'm going to learn the ins and outs of this crazy place, but for today, I hope you will forgive me because I can't figure out how to flip a picture once it's here! Indulge me, just this once!) It's a BLACK chipboard album with lots of little surprises.

And the sweet deer album pictured in the last post, it's so DEAR! - so much happening, so much going on. It's all news to us! =D

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