Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Welcome to SCD! Fun Facts!

From time to time, we'll list a "fun fact" you may not have known about Scrap Can Do! It's a great way for you to get to know about the inner workings of our company, our products and us.

Today is Fun Fact #1:

Did you know...

...that our album kits are limited editions? That means, once we sell out of a particular kit, we will not reissue it. Our philosophy is simple: to offer the best possible album kits while using the latest product lines available. We want to keep up with the world of scrapbooking and offer fresh new designs all the time. What better way than to offer the best of the best!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A "Secret" Sale!

We can hardly believe how time has flown!

One year ago this month, Scrap Can Do! was just in the discussion stages. We enjoyed a few lunch and dinner meetings, sent emails back and forth setting the stage for our "little" kit album biz. We each bought new notebooks, were gitty as we designed our logo and biz cards. And one year later, we can't believe our success, thanks to you! Our "official" annivesary is July 1st, but we are celebrating now, just the same! We want to share our success with all of you!

For all of our faithful "blog readers," we're having a "secret sale" now thru Saturday May 2nd. Purchase any of our album kits and receive FREE SHIPPING on your entire order! That adds up to huge savings!

Our contest winner from last week is JANET!!! Janet, please email us with your info so that we can get your SCD! kit out to you. (My son is so excited to pick random numbers...he wants to know when we are running another contest. I told him be on the lookout for more giveways!)

More exciting SCD! news on the way...stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's Contest Time Again!

As you know, it's been a BUSY BUSY week here at Scrap Can Do! We've been putting the finishing touches on three new AMAZING album kits and getting them ready for shipment on Friday. But with so many new kits, we're running out of room to house all of our inventory. What to do about it...give one away! All you have to do is leave us a comment here on the blog post. We'll pick a winner at random and give away one of our previously released kits (our choice) at the end of business day on Monday, April 27th. What could be easier? Tell your friends!

Monday, April 20, 2009

What's New This Week:

Sping Release (later this week) for details!


{Little Moments...Big Memories}

And tomorrow...details of our newest CONTEST! Be sure to check back for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Busy Times In the Scrap Can Do! Design Studio...

Here's a "sneek-peek" of one of our new kits available next week:
This one, titled "Happiness" combines the fun tag album from Maya Road with the "Cold Raspberry" soup line from Jillibean Soup. The kit is filled with fun papers from the Jillibean line, along with plenty of fun embellishments, ribbons, buttons and more. Stay tuned for more Scrap Can Do! news and be sure to visit the website for more kits...coming soon!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

And the winner is...

...Kim Hoff from IL! (I asked my son to pick a random #.) Hooray Kim! Email us with your choice of available kits and info & we'll get your kit right out to you! Thanks to everyone who played along. Be sure to check out the blog often...another contest is right around the corner!

For those of you keeping up with our releases, we want to let you know that later this month Scrap Can Do! is adding THREE more kits to the product line. Catch a sneak-peak early next week. Spring is in the air & we have some beautiful new ideas!

Have a great day! And Happy Scrapping!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

boy...we suck!

last time we posted to this blog was when...feb something? pa-the-tic. no excuse. how can we ever make it up to you? i think i might know how... about a contest? would you like to win YOUR CHOICE of any album in stock? how you ask? how can i win my very own scrap can do kit? it's easy...

post a comment to our blog. come say hi, tell us how much you love scrap can do kits, tell us how many friends you invited to our site & we'll pick a winner at random to win a free kit of your very own. but hurry...we will pick a winner at day's end of april 6th.

don't you just love contests?